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◆ 本公司成立於民國七十三年(1984),廠址位於宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮龍祥五路1號(龍德工業區內),原廠面積2,600平方公尺,公司為配合業務拓展,於民國98年(2009)興建建山二廠(冬山鄉德興三路12號)及民國113年(2024)購入建山三廠(冬山鄉德興一路65號) ,將全廠面積增為23,000平方公尺。
◆ 有鑒於工業升級及業務所需,尤其在凡事講求效率的工業社會,必須追求卓越的品質及效率,而需積極朝向『工欲善其事,必先利其器』的經營理念出發,並不斷擴充設備增加產能,以降低生產成本,及達高品質與高效率之生產效果。

◆ Cheng-Shine was founded in 1984 at Ilan Taiwan Lon Der industrial district. Original site was 2600 square meters, and expended in 2009 to 10000 square.
◆ In order to keep up with the expedition of business, equipment upgrade becomes necessary to fulfil the efficiency-central business philosophy to low down the cost and maintain the highest quality.

◆ 為朝『多角化與一貫作業』的目標努力,逐於民國八十五年(1996)投資建昆實業,廠址位於台灣省宜蘭縣冬山鄉德興三路20號(龍德工業區內),全廠面積9,600平方公尺,投資自動噴硃除銹及油漆防銹機具。
◆ 於民國九十年(2001)再增設CNC自動切割機及鋁鋅熔射機,在鋼鈑裁切與大小型鋼構塗裝工程上,全面自行製程控管。
◆ 民國九十四年初(2005)增購CNC 5MW*30ML鑽孔機。

◆ For goal of the company, GenQuen was invested in 1996 for the auto de-rust, anti-rust and painting equipments. CNC auto cutting machine, CNC 5MW*30ML driller and Aluminium zinc thermal spray machine full automation of the steel sheet cutting and painting process.

